Saturday, November 25, 2006


On this Veteran's Day, with a whirlwind election behind and Thanksgiving coming up fast upon us, PLEASE remember to bow our heads to our Heavenly Father in respect of all those who have served their country in uniform and made the ultimate sacrifice that we may live free. From the Minutemen at Breed's Hill to our forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, our way of life is paid for with their blood. Instill in your children a respect for these men. Read to them at least one story of heroism from our glorious past. Make them see that freedom does not come cheap. Visit Arlington Cemetary or the Kearny War Memorial. Make them read the names on the rock of all the young men of Kearny who died in WWII. Sit with them through a History Channel Documentary on at least one episode of American Heroism. Let them know that 72 American POW's were slaughtered at Malmaday by the Germans. Explain to them the death march from Bataan. If they express an interest in joining the Military, do not disuade them. Allow them to continue in this honorable tradition and feel the pride of having served their country. Our leaders of the future should know the terrible price of war, that they may not be so quick to send more young men and women into harms way except as a last resort. For those of you who fought in the past so that facism was defeated I thank you from the bottom of my heart. For those of you serving now, I salute you....Carry On.

James Calautti