Sunday, August 20, 2006


Has anyone noticed how many commercials appear on television lately touting cures for men suffering from “erectile dysfunction….commonly known as ED”? I mean, if a person were to judge our culture and society just by watching our television broadcasts, they would think you would not be able to find one American male who can perform sexually. It’s as if half the population is on Viagra or Cialis. I love how they invariably insert that warning, in that deep, important voice; “If you suffer an event of priapism (an erection lasting over four hours), call your doctor immediately”, as if they really care. That’s not a warning, it’s a selling point, and I believe it’s aimed more at women. I can just picture women all over America right now saying, “you’re going on that stuff tomorrow honey”. “But baby, I don’t have ED?” “I don’t care, you’re going on it”.

Also, when did American men become so dumb? Watching commercials, you would think the American male could not perform the most simple of tasks. How about that one where the guy is trying for like 15 minutes to put the stroller in the mini-van, then the mom walks around and zip, bam, the seats folded down, the strollers laying flat and the guy is standing there looking like an idiot. Then there are the men at home commercials. You will almost always see a woman hustling through a busy airport, dressed in a business power suit on the cell phone to her husband. The guy will always be holding a crying baby, while toddlers are wreaking havoc around him, the food is boiling over, and bubbles are coming out of the washer. When did this switcheroo take place? Remember the old commercials that always showed moms with mops and floors that shined like diamond, while Mr. Clean stood behind her (as if she really needed the help of a man to achieve such a simple task).

The commercials have changed just as society has. I suppose the influx of so many women into the workplace makes them a perfect target for marketers. If you want someone to buy your product you have to make them feel good about themselves. Did it have to be at the expense of American men though? I mean, there are still sinks to be fixed, flat tires to be changed and furniture to be moved. We must still be good for something? Oh yeah, four hour erections.

By James J. Calautti


Blogger Matt said...

Hey, it aint just in America! We're a little bit behind you guys but the same trend is happening here in the UK.

6:20 AM  

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