Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I thought peace activists were supposed to advocate….well, peace. Obviously, that must be the old version of the term, because what we have now are peace activists calling for, well, violence.

The 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams confessed she has a problem with non-violence. Why? It seems if she could she would "kill" President Bush. Not that the Nobel peace prize means much anymore, since it handed one out to PLO Terrorist Yasser Arafat in 1994. Addressing teens in Australia, the kids cheered as Williams stated "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." The Australian media chalked it up to her "feisty Irish spirit". I myself would call it the behavior of a sociopath.

Meanwhile, America Online had some real doozies when it came to the report of an American soldier whose wife; sister-in-law and two sons were murdered in Eugene Oregon. I certainly hope Sergeant Leonid Milkin did not have to read these. Here are samples of what the "peace activists" wrote:

"Too bad the paid assasin [sic] wasn't home also…got what he deserved for serving an illegal government in an illegal war."

"Maybe he signed up for the wrong profession because who in their right mind would want to be an arm man? He should have studied harder in school and found a real job instead of joining the army. Be all you can be? Don't patronize me! People who join the army either have no education or come form small towns….he should blame himself for his family dying due to his lack of education."

This is the support our troops overseas are getting? I think Viet Nam vets had it better.

Then there is the entrepreneurial peacenick, Dan Frazier, who sells T-shirts with the names of soldiers killed in the war. One was Marine Corporal Scott Vincent, killed by a fanatical suicide bomber. The Marine's mother pleaded with Frazier to remove her sons name. But Frazier stayed true to his "pacifist feelings" and kept the name on.

Also in Boston, at a rally run by the Muslim American Society, a Jewish man who showed up with a video recorder was threatened and physically by the demonstrators from the "Religion of Peace". Seva Brodsky was accosted by pro-Hezbollah thugs who cursed him, tried to prevent him from filming, and grabbed at him. A rally marshal who was supposed to keep the peace told Brodsky "We can not guarantee your safety."

So these are the people who advocate peace, but peace for who?

James J. Calautti


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